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Turinabol has a predominantly anabolic effect which combined with a relatively low androgenic component. On a Scale of 1 to 100 androgenic effect is low. Only a 6 and the effect is 53. T bolic has a MG for MG a lower effect than D-bol. There for it is not a steroids for rapid gain in strength. Weight and muscle mass. Rather the achievable results manifest themselves in a solid muscle gain and if taken over several weeks, also good in strength gain. Users will not get a puffy looks compare to using other high androgenic steroids. It build a solid mass, water retention is very low and Gyno effect is very rare. Make a good reasons for Power and weight lifter to use it. It also suitable for both man and woman competitors.

Turinabol 10 mg/ 50 Tabs

SKU: T-bol 10mg
  • Tbol is not a super bulking steroid, but that doesn't mean it does not have tremendous benefits in cycles. Since it does not aromatize, you don't have to worry about estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia (bitch tits), water retention (oedema), insomnia, or high blood pressure (hypertension). No aromatase inhibitor is needed with Tbol cycles, so those who are prone to estrogen related side effects will appreciate this drug.

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